Monday 13 April 2015

Thanks to the Readers!

...or perhaps more specifically, the active commentors.

I was doing my usual trawl through comments looking for spam, and was struck with the quality of the comments (and relatively high quantity, too, for such a small blog).

There's some very interesting ideas, suggestions, mechanics, nuggets of wisdom, heck even embryo game ideas - it combines to make the comments an interesting read (arguably more interesting than the posts that trigger them!)  Perhaps I should do a "best of" compilation sometime!

Anyway, thanks to the "commentors"  - you add a lot to the blog - you're appreciated!


  1. Presuming I am amongst that number (!) I would say that interesting and thought provoking posts attract similar responses. I rarely read a post of yours and don't have an opinion one way or another.

    1. Possibly I'm lucky in collecting opinionated readers! Browsing the comments is actually really interesting. I had to revisit a few old posts lately and I was like "wow, that's a good point" or "I'll have to check that out."

  2. I'm just here to direct my horde of fake accounts shilling my games ;)

  3. You put quality into your posts, you get quality back in your comments.

    1. Thanks for your contributions - it makes the blog a more interesting place!

  4. I have been reading this blog along with many other gaming ones for a few years now and this is the only one where I read the comments. Thank you also for the great blog!

    1. It's nice to have you involved. More opinions are always valued.

  5. I just discovered your blog a few months ago and have been hooked ever since, going back and reading all your design posts. Really great stuff, and as far as I can tell, completely unique on the inter webs, which is always a massive achievement. You're where it's at!

    1. Thanks for that - it's very encouraging.

      The blog was originally started as a central location to house reviews of games for friends (I got sick of repeating myself on different forums and message boards), and I was very hesitant to do the game design rambles/posts as they seemed a bit self indulgent.

      It's good to see others find the game design topics interesting/useful as well. (Especially considering I'm not legit in that I don't actually design games, I just deconstruct them)

    2. Well, you DO make games. Reading about your space combat game has been fascinating as well. And watching you create medieval reaction possibilities in your recent post was like observing a game being created in real time, with strong ideas and observations (even if untested). As someone who plans on publishing this summer, it's been really great to go over your posts as something of a checklist to make sure I'm on the right path (many of your points I absolutely agree with and would often worry I was the only one who cared).

    3. Hmm, Well if you don't mind ideas that are untested, I've considered making a skirmish fantasy ruleset on this blog, doing a section of the rules, then doing a commentary on it.

      Would this be useful/of interest?

      As long as everyone realised it was the process, and commentary rather than the completed rules I was interested in, and also that I don't know much about the design process from a practical standpoint. (Which is why I got Ivan and Brent to do articles more from that side of things)

    4. I'm also working on a fantasy skirmish set (isn't everyone?) so yes, I would be very interested in hearing your analysis as you explore the process.

  6. I'll echo what was said earlier- write good posts, get good comments.
    I like the commentators here too, which helps, everyone is knowledgeable about the subjects :)

    1. "I like the commentators here too, which helps, everyone is knowledgeable about the subjects :)"

      That's what I mean. The comments are thoughtful, rather than the rather short, bland Facebook-style responses I usually see

  7. I always enjoy your posts and the discussions that follow. I had to take my eyes off the blogosphere for a while of late, but I hope to be back more often now. You have some good readers, they are well deserved.
