Thursday 23 November 2023

Carnevale, Pirates & Wound Tokens

I've finished my Carnevale starter. The minis are nice and characterful even if the resin is meh. It does atmosphere so well.

In my Venice, there are also undead pirates seeking a cursed map and Royal Navy shore parties chasing them.

Also, just plain pirates. Pirates, like dinosaurs, robots and ninjas, are automatically cool and always enhance any game you add them to.

Since I'm out of LotR minis to paint, I may as well record my 'other' column. Including 31 today and 46 the other day, I'm making brisk inroads into my pile of shame.  I think I only have 8 pirates to go and I can order more if I want... (The 30 or so I did for my son don't count against my own pile unfortunately)

Since I've done my Carnevale project, I can also start a new project (that's another self imposed rule - no new games/projects til an existing one is finished). I keep eyeing off BFG 3D prints but I kinda feel I should have ALL my Dropfleet ships done first as it's kinda the same genre....  

I'm also plan to retest Blood Red Skies and if it is a success I'm buying some $2 metal 1:300 planes (vs Warlord's 6 for $60 plastics).

Also, since I've been talking a bit about Hitpoints in my last few game reviews, I thought I'd show how I represent a 'wound' - a clear plastic token with a bit of red paint on it. You can do a dozen in 30 seconds and the counters are the sort you buy a bag for $5 or so off Amazon/Ebay.

 It's pretty unobtrusive from a distance.  Along with tipping a model on its side for knocked down/stunned, a wound or two is about the limit of my tolerance for tokens as I hate the mess. As you know, my tolerance for hitpoints is 0 (unless it is something like a warship - which would be expected to absorb dozens of hits and slowly lose hull integrity/sink).

The Carnevale table has already had a workout when a force of Corsairs landed attempting to seize the Arkenstone of all Pirates but the men of Gondor thwarted them by tossing it in a canal, largely thanks to hideous dice rolling from the normally lethal Corsair arbalesters...


And nearby, my pizza-table still has an ongoing game with my son (who likes Angmar cos wargs, trolls AND spirits). I always spot him a much bigger force then aim to let him win while making his life difficult. He lost a lot of Wargs impetuouisly charging into my reliable Rangers, thanks to his head canon which says they are much awesomer than they are in-game.

Finally, I got some cool birthday loot. My family never gets me minis as they know they may violate the special budget spreadsheet. So....

I enjoyed Tenet but I may actually understand it when I rewatch it. Death Race is a guilty pleasure (plus I am dusting off Gaslands and just home made some Shift dice as my son is interested, so I need it for research purposes!). LoTR needs no explanation.  

I did order a copy of Osprey's En Garde! as I liked Ronin and I need some more rules for pirates (currently using Legends of the High Seas)...

Also the wife got me some specialty coffee. I may whinge about Aussie postage and 'Australia tax' on minis etc - but I admit our coffee is some of the best anywhere thanks to Greek and Italian migrants. Actually Starbucks et al has never taken off here (and many of the existing ones have shut down as we actually know what good coffee is...)


  1. I think you were talking a bit about trying Kill Team? Just a heads up, it also uses hit points. I am not a fan, but it works Okay-ish in our club games. In some ways it is an easier and more elegant solution to pinned, down, stunned, injured status effects. However, I also share your dislike of them.

  2. Yo tampoco soporto los puntos de vida, prefiero estados o algo así, aunque también me disgustan las fichas por la mesa.

    Me gusta el concepto de un atributo de "Resistencia" con dos grados, donde si el daño supera al primero cae herido (con penalización) y si supera el segundo es eliminado. O cosas tipo tumbar una mini.

    Buen artículo. Un saludo.

    1. My preference is for the 2-tier toughness or defense stat, too. Throw a wound counter under the base that makes it easier to wound / kill in the future.

    2. O incluso descartar las heridas sobrantes, como en Warmaster.

  3. Belated happy birthday!

    You have been on a roll with mini painting. What remains in your pile of shame?

    I am almost done with my Battletech minis, but I bought back into Infinity and have a small Combined Army lot that are sitting around primed (gah!). I also have a ton of 15mm pike and shot and fantasy from when I was going to make a 15th/16th century horror game. They have been stuffed into boxes for over a year now. That means they no longer count, right?

    1. Hiding in boxes still counts, because it's still in the pile of shame. If it's been a very long time, maybe consider gifting / selling off and focusing on the current hotness, rather than letting old stuff clutter your closet and thoughts. A purge is so satisfying.

      - GG

  4. Umm - probably ~1000 in my shame pile, counting 15mm. Most of which predates my 8 year old... Back when I had no kids, had lots of spare income, and plenty of time so painting dozens of minis at a time seemed reasonable... A few days ago I did some estimates:

    ~80 Infinity (!)<- fiddly to paint, too!
    ~100 Pike & Shot (ECW)
    ~120 5th ed 40K*
    ~30 SOTR WW2*
    ~20 Heavy Gear mecha
    ~90 samurai Perry/WF #
    ~60 Greek hoplites Perry etc
    ~60 C3 wolven, daikinee elves etc*
    ~30 pirates Black Scorp* <---------------DONE
    ~30 FIW* <--------------------------------------- DONE
    ~20 PT boats
    ~20 dropfleet spaceships #
    ~50 15mm tanks (need touch up/detailing)* + FoW platoon
    ~50 modern infantry*
    ~60 Quar
    ~20 Robotech (a bugger to assemble) #
    ~75 vikings/saxon GBP #

    *= Active project. Represents 50% or less of original models.
    # = Unassembled. Everything else is based and undercoated black.

    My main aim is to get them table worthy. They need better bases and detailing, but as long as they are functionally OK to play with I'll count them. I reckon I'll do almost 900 by the end of this year; ~500 MESB and ~400 other.


  5. Those wound tokens are very nice!

    I've been in the habit of using d6 with red pips for wound tracking.
